This is one of the new concepts created using inversion and unities of the basic concept of my worldview and for that, they are uniquely separate from the concept I initially use.
The spiralecho is composed of four distinct foundations:
Each contains a new concept that is entirely unlike something you've heard of before and this one is on the cusp of that difference ( as it is one next to the concepts of magic and science ) and could be described in short as a study and experimentation with the uncertain and controlled. However it is more complex then this and the information that follows will clarify this.
- The act of experimenting with special objects
- The act of controlling and releasing uncertainty
- The creation of Holosics of their properties ( comparable to metaphysics and physics )
- And the uncertain prediction of their resulting unlikeness.
However, the field also believes in transient rule, which is the concept that the result of their experiments effect their life in some manner through chance reintegration, but that it cannot be recognized exactly until occurred. Further they use this concept as a means of highly advanced time travel across multiple parallel but specific realities that will be described in some detail ( as they are to be explored ).
Among the philosophy behind this field, is the idea that the alien exists within all of us, but must be accessed in a separate way from the common things and for this they presume the study of the 5 everythings within close proximity will help them access the more advanced Xenomorphic worlds.
Another interesting note is that they convert food products ( through similar property ) into object tools and vice versa. For example, they would take spaghetti and make highly malleable wires and take hammers and make bread in their shape.
While they do interact as groups, they only cooperate when absolutely necessary and for further ends and when they do this they change the settings of their works so that they function together in what is called kind twining and in all other cases they are on their own, doing their work without the aid of others. They also rarely fully explain their knowledge of the topic, because its difficult to predict.
The five everythings are:
- Mermaid
- Plasmic
- Bird
- Djinn
- Fae
And these are to be explored in time.
Example of their work:
An example of something that could be considered a tool in Spiralechoe is tarot cards but only if used in a different way from the traditional sense, which is that rather then using the complete deck, one uses degrees of the whole deck and experiments with its different meaning results ( this is the invention rather then the reaction ) and rather then predicting the future with them, they let its result be different from the meaning ( as it is unrelated ). To demonstrate this, I will take a set of tarot cards and use a portion of their set, then I will study the resultant meaning, to see how they change depending on both the chosen cards and the uncertainty of which card it will bring about.
From this we will then propose a Holosic for the act of meaning in the cards functions.
A single card is a absolute controlled circumstance, this card represents the surroundings.
Two cards are at 50% likelihood of occurrence, the second cards meaning is lakes of water.
With six cards their is a 1/6 chance of it appearing, the dance, the harvest, the song and the stand.
1/9 chance of appearing and with it, observation , carrying and preparation
With nine cards, the first meaning is surrounding the lake of water is dancing.
An additional card changes the meaning to surrounding the lake is dancing among harvest
Removing and adding a card, we presume that the meaning now says: Surrounding the dance and harvest, is singing.
And an additional subtraction and addition is the standing and song of the harvest.
These concepts are useful for knowing the five everything's in this land and for it we can grasp the invisible world of the fae ( because it describes it well ) but in turn, we must study the Holosics of this transformation...
The holosics is composed of a physical property + a metaphysical explanation, thus the answer to the composition is that the order is what caused the meaning, with the act of insight on the cards uncertainty being directed from the transcience, which is a field of effect outside existence. Further information could be gained by further study and questions, but for now it is defined as:
- That point of transfer between the knowable and the unknowable.
Considering that we have discovered a portion of the other worlds ( that of the fae ) we can begin to observe it where it is and perhaps understand more through visiting such a place. Regrettably it is not the season of the harvest and thus we cannot yet know this ( as it is winter and lakes do not bring it about it winter ) and thus learn a little more.
However, to see how this effects our world and learn more of the transience of time, we need to experience it and this is not yet occurred, thus I will have to return from time, to complete this.
Noting this, their is some things still not demonstrated as concepts and this is the act of where the worlds of everything are located and offers hints as to how to locate and know which are detected in tarot.
The five everythings:
Exists in the paradolia of the world we live in, through the conversion of its descriptions into that of the aquious, from sky to surface and tree to coral.
Exists in the haze of our vision and the electrical world it is paired with, such that the lighting of those forces create another land and shape alien to home.
In the tree's and sky, in the bird house and bird bath, where the lands are very unlike our own for they ignore some of this plane and function still in similarity.
In the moving lights, fires without smoke, that dance and flicker in the timeless spaces of night and in the eternal shadow, separate from the true light of life.
In the nature, in the lakes and forests hills and those places of likeness where its denizens dwell in other planes and other descriptions, across from the knowledge.
These landscapes are distant, they are not in the same space as our home world and exist in a different set of rules to ourselves, only in the growing knowledge can we hope to go deeper into their realms, but much study from outside must be done.
So I shall return shortly ( in your observation ) with the descriptions of the transience of this time.
Now that i have returned, i have a list of strange events that took place after the experiment, which we shall presume represent some object of spiralecho (spiechnology) and as such we will list them , discover their holosics and what it can be used for.
I started by being late:
I started by being late:
- Things that have fallen
I accidentally took a longer bus.
- Saw and heard a jinn on the bus
- Saw many people carrying plastic
- the sentences "God is ov" and "Church shopping"
- pink flamingo holding a beer
- missing buildings
- lots of suitcases
- And a women feeding pigeons
- A man littering movies on the floor
I walked a distance without occurrence before taking the bus.
This chain of events is rather odd, suggesting that its relation to the cards is uncertain but theoretically describable with transcience, which converts causal chance into other causal chance in a manner unknown without observation and control. For example:
It was icy and thus it increases the energy of falls likelyhood ( refers to the lake card ).
It was bright and warm out, thus the djinn were active ( refer to observation for that )
The way I went included a grocery store ( refer to harvest for that )
The sentences were written to contain meaning ( refer to song for that )
The flamingo was a new store advertisement ( refer to dance for this )
missing buildings are because they were removed ( this is implying standing )
suitcases is an anomaly and has no known reason ( preperation )
feeding pigeons is do to them hanging out there ( the carry card )
the movies were in their case, and has no reason ( the surrounding )
however, note that while partially related to the divination of the cards, they are not the predicted outcome ( which was how I stood much of the time i went around the area, centered by stores and heard conversation on the bus ) and unrelated to the lesson we learned.
And for this reason it can considered that the cards random chance of draw, created a transient cascade of events after it, while also predicting the future and teaching us about the world.
But we can also note that their is some form of temporal modification taking place, whose mystery remains unknown.
In turn, we learned a novel spiechnology of the study:
This creates a form of drink mixer, that doesn't have to be alchohol, using a plastic bag inside a kenel which creates uncertain mixes due to the uncertain nature of the bag and the control of what flavors are put in, which is then poured out in portion and served at a meeting, or during a show.
It adds a sense of novelty because it isn't always the same, per person or occasion ( even when using the same ingredients ).
and can conclude here that in general, transience can be said to reflect similar contexts of previous ones and that an improvement can be made by converting the bag inside the kennel to a similarly shaped shape of flavored sugar with a variety to its internal kinds.
And thus we conclude this writing on a new concept.
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