This is a separate world from both the current state of politics and the other worlds on the blog, and blogs and it carries very little to do with the current global politics. Even while symbols are shared simply for being of similar statements. Infact the idea originated two years before any form of discussion about walls took place in public and thus discusses a different concept ( but has been advanced since then ).
It discusses the overcoming of limits and the yondering of those things into what is above it in a sense and is among the source of that which comes with advancement, in congruent ways.
An important thing of the wall, is the absentine, which doesn't exist and is a vital question for the walls advancement, since it is asking what doesn't exist and how to then cause it to exist through persuit of the minds outer reigns. For example, when we began to dwell as apes on the planet, a barrier that was crossed was the act spirit or belief in something, which sprung from our absence of itself. Later, we developed advancements in congruence to this, because we went from apes to tribes and farther to pagan communities.
These are examples of vast walls being torn down as our limitation increased, interestingly however the current trajectory of the wall ( the advancement of history or even personal advancement ) requires a wall. Because it allows for both a limited un-limitation, which is beyond the limit ( nature ) and un-limitation ( society ) of before.
The actual means for finding the absentine, is to think of what is missing and convert that absence into presence, for example:
"I can't have water with me all the time, because it escapes my hands."
would be converted to:
"I can have water with me all the time, because its sealed in a container."
Another example would be:
"I am unable to travel through time, because I know not where time is."
and convert it to:
"I know not where time is, but I know i travel through it and sometimes it reenacts, identically or differently"
Interestingly, another component of the wall is fear:
Because fear creates two things, it creates the problem ( limit ) and instructs the solution ( unlimit ) through its nature. Because the interesting nature of fear, is that in the darkest of hours she still is:
Often people presume this spirit, to be one or the other, but she is the same in two places and for that her form is greater then either:
While she harbors both the illusion of limitation and the way to many unlimitation, these things come and go in many ways. She creates illusions of real nature.
This portion can be explained, through the act of nothing new, that has become entirely new. She teaches that the act of something doesn't have to be novel in all places to be made entirely new and these illusions of our depression and freedom, create the path to better.
Since through Ancoria, which is both the spirit and the process of unlimitation ( through limitations ) does one create something anyone can do. For that the hero of walls, are people who bring about a higher place through the lesson of the lower place.
It is important not to abandon anything or anyone in that act, be it in time or space. Without returning in some form with something that helps them and this is the key to the real unlimitations of above, that is on both sides of the absence. As, the nature of both fear and hope is what creates the furthered end in the means to many ends.
Put simply, while you can unlimit yourself, in limiting another in that process, you cause your own limitation. Which further alienates either of you, rather then remain in a sense of coexistence and this divide grows in each step taken away to ones selfish and not selfless end.
The halls, the thing about unlimitation is that their is a lot that can be made free from its limits and sometimes it is in limits that other things are made and for that their is many halls through which to travel, some more fearful then others and with diverse consequences in positive and negative senses.
We can compare the works built in different religions to different limitations from which to build off of as rules, rather then explicit freedom, only because their isn't just one set of places in the halls as they are divided by lands of different names and languages. This creates what is called the map of worlds both internal and external from a homeland.
Especially when the total of the absentine is greater then the total of the existing. Whose inclusion should unchanged the rest ( as its entry is young and grows in desire to remain none the less )
and you ask two things, this idea is simpler then the other and this is clearly due to the second question on the wall at its origin before I grew through it in complexity.
the wall was among the first thing and I can show you of it this odd set of blogs and are in fact art from 2015 unlike the other artwork above, was made in gimp rather then krita:
But, all the wall represented was the concept of being free from the limits of our time like times before, among the many planes that come together. Still many unnanswered questions are found in this post that must be pondered for time among the things within it.
As the wall, is more detailed then the words written here.But heed that I went mad in discovering the wall and again after the last image.
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